Monday, March 02, 2009

Opinion time

Alrighty, this time I'm yet again going to please the possible foreign readers of this blog - and naturally the domestic readers capable of reading English too, I guess. I picked up the idea for this serious topic after watching that multicultural wasteland of a website, Youtube. They don't call Youtube "Pooptube" and "Shittube" for nothing, because it truly contains alot of disturbing material and crap you'd wish they would've never showed you. Nonetheless, though, Youtube's a popular site - and I know it too, because I do have an account there. I mainly use it to watch music videos, though - nothing too serious.

But, let's cut to the chase:

I was browsing through some of the video content on the site, and found this rather unrelated cellphone-filmed video about a pair of Marines in Iraq throwing a puppy off a cliff. The whole concept of throwing a live animal off a cliff didn't really seem to bother them, especially the guy doing the throwing. Naturally the video had caused quite an uproar and the shit had hit the fan on a very large personal scale for the marine, who had been identified as David Motari - 22 years old at the time. About my age.

So anyways, I think that what that guy did was truly a fucking stupid idea. I do understand that in a conflict zone like that, you don't let stray dogs live - but it's just sheer stupidity to film yourself doing something like that. Now, I don't have anything against animals - quite on the contrary, but as I said I do understand the necessity to exterminate stray wild dogs like that. But, what I do not understand, however, is the way it was conducted. In an earlier statement made by this Motari-guy, he said that "normally they'd just shoot the dogs" - so why didn't he just shoot it - instead of taking it's life in a cruel way like that and at the same time videotaping it?

I do understand why the guy did it. And to top things off, there was this person who posted a very intelligent reply to the video - which made some valid points (to me) about the behaviour of this guy and the deeper reasoning behind the act. Still, though, there's no excuse for doing something like this - and videotaping it. When you do something like this, and have the goddamn courtesy to post it on the internet, and when you do get yourself and your family into trouble over it - don't go crying over it on national media like this Motari-dude did. You deserve to get your life ruined after committing something like this - and especially after willingly videotaping it and putting it on the internet.

But, now to my reasonings behind the act:

First of all, you have to consider the person. And you have to consider the age - and then consider the circumstances and finally take into account the service branch - the Marine Corps.

It's not a secret that the best and the brightest people don't join the Corps very often - or the American military machine as a whole altogether. Quite often you'll get bottom of the barrel-types there. And that being said, I'm sure you understand why these people would film something like that. They really are that ignorant and stupid.

Secondly, this guy is a young fellow. Youngsters all over the world do stupid things - and in the modern era have the possibility to videotape them. Sometimes they do it out of sheer boredom, or perhaps even out of simple thoughtlessness. It happens, you know. And especially if the person filming something like this happens to be a young, stupid and bored individual - like this guy, I'm sure, was at some level.

And finally - consider the circumstances. This young marine, indoctrinated to "kill or be killed" in the harsh boot camps goes to a war, and over there he gets bored. There's really nothing to do there besides kill and await to be killed, and with the complete lack of brains that he possesses, one day decides to do something like this once an opportunity arises. I'm saying that what we saw in that video was the build-up boredom of an ignorant, indoctrinated young killing machine coming to life.

You have to understand the stuff that especially the marine training teaches the young people joining the corps. They train these young people to be a highly-motivated weapon - a killing machine bent only on one goal - to destroy it's enemy. A considerable amount of the recruits, I'm sure of that - buy into this stuff. They get pumped up on it. And once they're thrown into the field, and not get to kill the first thing they see - this shit happens. Boredom, I'm telling you, is their greatest enemy at the moment. And then there's of course the "war"-factor - these people are in a warzone, and I'm sure that the stuff they see and go through there affect them each in their own way. So, if you happen to be a few short of a sixpack when you go there, then it is really not such a big surprise if you end up doing something like this.

Finally, I still want to emphasize the fact that I do condemn this guy's actions. What he did was very stupid, and thus deserves to drown in all of the shit that he gets into after committing this. If he was drummed out of the Corps for doing this, then I'd say that it would be a fitting punishment.

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