Sunday, February 01, 2009

Year of The Ox

It's pretty cold outside right now. I don't know how much exactly, but I called my parents down south and they told me that they had -17 degrees celsius last evening. I'm guessing we've got something closer to that here as well. I hate cold climates. This just means that I've got to put more clothes on whenever going to school, grocery store or better yet, jogging.

I also found out that according to the Chinese Zodiac, the year 2009 is the official "year of the Ox". Now I didn't know it, but once I did remember to look up my Blogger-profile, and in it there was a mention of me having the Zodian-sign of Ox according to the Chinese on it. Personally, I consider something like this a sign. Like a sign from "god" or something like that. If you wanna believe it that way.

Well, as I see it, this is a sign for me to get a job. To end that stupid going-nowhere-studying and finally earn more money in a month than just my student allowance. I haven't really made an effort back at school either, and it's been harder and harder for me to get a grip on studying again after I was discharged from the army. I guess the particular subject and my first impressions with it kinda demotivated me, thus giving me a negative image of it altogether. Besides, a diploma from that particular field of studies would've landed me two (well, actually three) different possibilities in terms of employment: a teacher, interpreter or better yet - umemployment. Neither of these three do I want, since being a teacher sucks in this country and there are about a million interpreters out there looking for a job anyways right now. It would be kinda hard to employed especially now with this economical crisis going on - and five years of studying with my economical status would've been impossible anyways. Just forgetting it.

For the past two days I've had a huge World War II - movie marathon going. First I watched "Der Untergang", then "Stalingrad" and now "A Bridge Too Far". I've missed good ol' clean war flicks like these (well, as "clean" as they come), since they offer those classic moments of bravery, chivalry and fighting umatched by no other genre of war movies out there currently. There's still a few war movies out there that I'd have to buy at some point concerning WWII, but at the moment my economical status isn't very viable for it.

I've also been making some positive strides at internet auctioneering as well. I've sold stuff alot lately, and pretty much just put the money away for a rainy day instead of spending it right away. This is good, since I've still got some useless stugg just lying around this tiny apartment of mine - and the way things have been.. Shall we say "developing" lately, I doubt that I'm going to need this much stuff anyways in the future.

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