Sunday, February 06, 2005

The eternal war against gun-control and deeper understanding.

Good evening.

I'm here today to tell you people about my position on the gun-control laws of this country and mainly , the whole thing in general.

Now let's start by admitting the basic fact. Guns certainly don't kill people , but guns are created for only one purpose. this statement has an oxymoron , now doesn't it ? Since we all know what sorts of means a man will use a weapon once he or she understands it's purpose. It's a primal instinct; the ability or urge to kill.

However , the instinct to protect the people you care about the most around you is also primal. In this country , the justice is indeed blind. This is a country , where the victim becomes the guilty and ends up "receiving justice" in the way of paying twice as much just for protecting his or her family. I find it very much wrong when someone ends up going to jail when all he or she has done was to protect his family or property from aggression. In this country , it is very much a possibility to end up serving jailtime if you wound a robber that has decided to hurt you or your family , not to mention steal something from your grocery store or home.

The Finnish justice system , like in the Scandinavian countries , is rather loose when it comes to
these things. Sometimes , the one making the crime has more rights than the one who's been the target of it around here. It's also a national custom here to let all sorts of big-shots involved in financial and economical crimes just walk away from their sentences (just ask them who was responsible of the big recession of the 90's here, and then ask yourself who suffered from it) and even mail them a couple hundred K just to keep them on the right track of life (but hey , they never mention these things in the news) . Although , I know it's a universal trend to keep the small man down and the big man roaming since the "powers that be" wouldn't have it any other way.

But , now I'm starting to lose the topic here. So , better get back to it.

As I was saying , the way I see weapons (firearms , to be more specific) and their use is divided into two categories. Offensive and defensive. Since , there is just one purpose for them , and that is for killing and murdering. What's the difference , you ask ? Well , I divide them into two sub-categories to make my point go down further.

When you kill someone using a 9mm pistol because he or she disagreed giving you his/her wallet , then you've used your firearm in an offensive role. Must people , as do I , generally regard this a very bad thing to do. Depending on the circumstances , of course. But , when you do it to protect your loved ones , that is the defensive role of the firearms deployed right there. Now , many people say that weapons don't create the necessary feel of security , instead it's something much deeper like the reviewing of the societies' correct values or something. I happen to respect the individuals values of defending his or her family and property just as much as I respect the humanitarian and civilized values of the society.

The Finnish society , to be put frankly , has too many scars left due to it's history , even today. The powers that be here are afraid that once firearms are available to each and everyone we'll end up starting another Lapua-movement like in the 30's after a hard night down the drinking lane..

Frankly , the intellectual elite in power are afraid to hand guns to us since they are absolutely certain that the crime rate will rise to the freakin' clouds not to mention how plans of another communist-lead revolution will be put into action immediately after the gunlaws are loosened.. Yeah , sure , and "cows fly".

Now I'm not saying that the crime rates wouldn't experience an increase , but then again there's nothing wrong in hardening the laws as a counter-move. Afterall , this society in particular has been in the gutter for a long time when it comes to the average Joe receiving justice. If someone tries to rob you , and you kill him in self-defence , the defender should be congratulated instead of throwing him with a sentence of "excessive use of force". In a society like this , the access to firearms would help the average Joe to defend himself , and also help enlarge the already shrunken civil rights. Out here , the politicians are interested on lowering the national voting-age from 18 to 16 years in the municipality council elections. One of the hypocrites behind it , is our current primeminister Matti Vanhanen. Yeah , he is a real dick.

They just want more voters and supporters for their parties , and what wouldn't be better of a recruiting pool than sixteen-year-olds. Many of them don't understand dick when it comes to politics , and if you promise em' all the booze and more holidays from school they'll vote you like you'd be the second coming or something.

Can you see it ? The petty chickenhawks of politics here are ready to assimilate the kiddies as their potential voters even in municipality council elections. Afterall , all of the candidates of these elections come from a major or a minor political party , and what wouldn't be the best age to start bringing em' (new voters) in than sixteen. Fucking hypocrite pieces of shit.

And still , they're not willing to give 18-year olds guns. Sure you can buy a shotgun or two , but in some parts of the country getting a permit for them is a real bureaucratic nightmare. Like in this county where I live in. A certain friend's dad requested a permit for his two hunting rifles from the local police commissioner or something , and this bigshot decides that "he has no need for a weapon like that therefore does he need a permit for it" (who's to decide if you can hunt in a supposedly "free country" or not ? Apparently this "policeman" did have the power) . He literally flipped the bird to this government official , and got his permit from Helsinki's municipality.

Additionally , in Norway , the reservists get full-automatic assault rifles stored in their homes after completing their service. The same system is in use in Austria , or perhaps it was in Switzerland , or perhaps both. Sure there's been some bank robberies/murders being committed using military-grade weapons , but I can tell you that crime isn't exactly a big problem in these countries either.

Out here , the government fears that if you loosen the gun-control policy, everyone will go nuts in an alcohol and testoterone - induced frenzy. Well , maybe they're right , but what stops the police from putting a bullet into the heads of such troublemakers ? The way I see it , is that if a couple of assholes start making trouble with "real" firearms , you'll have the law enforcement to deal with them. Stuff a couple of squads of SWAT Mofo's through their windows , and that should pretty much take care of any fuckers thinking of anything bigger than themselves..

Pretty soon , I'm sure it's even illegal to swear in this goddamned country.

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