Sunday, September 11, 2005

Some news

Things are not bad at the time , I guess. Nothing too bad or (too) good has happened in order for me to declare this time of my life as really excellent or shitty.

I got that DVD - drive to work , finally. All it took was about a month of messing around with it and a conversion with my girlfriend and it all got solved. She instructed me on how to change the master/slave - settings on the drive and it worked. Thank god for her. She's amazing.

The weather has changed too. Now the days are nice and warm whereas the nights are cold as hell. And that , ladies and gentlemen , is the beginning of Finnish autumn. Very cold and very dim along with the beautiful green colors of the nature transforming themselves into puddles of yellow , orange , and brown. I hate it. I sometimes chuckle at the thought that when I was younger I used to consider the autumn as the best time of the year. The dark nights and the considerable amount of rainshowers intrigued me. Now when I'm slightly older my opinions have changed completely. And that's a good thing , too. Why , you ask ? Well , what is the most important thing that a person living in this country will lose when it comes to autumn ? The answer is very simple; warmth.

You will gradually understand that it gets very cold here very fast. The next thing you know will be snow. I hate snow. That thing is cold and it is more treacherous than you can possibly imagine. The climate is chilling most of the year here. You have to wear wool scarves and thick mittens whenever you go out along with a hat. Although I don't wear a hat. Everything is cold , chilly , and miserable.

The Finnish state of mind during the winters is very melancholic , let me tell you. Alot of people kill themselves at this specific time of the year and people tell me that this specific thing makes us famous in the world , too. Well , can you blame some of the people , huh ? I can perfectly understand why some people get so depressed and end up dead by their own hands. It's unfortunate alright. But that's what happens here. This place is an absolute nightmare when it comes weather.

My advice for you foreigners is very simple; don't come here. Go to Iceland instead since at least there'll be hot springs you can jump in if you get cold there. Use your money on something sensible and go somewhere where it's hot. Since HOT is GOOD and COLD is BAD. Get it ? I wish I could go to Puerto Rico , or something. Or any other place where it's warm , for that matter. But I can't leave. I cannot leave since no matter how miserable this place is when it comes to weather , education , food and television programs I still have people here whom I care about very dearly. They can't be left behind. And I have to take care of them too.

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