Wednesday, July 20, 2005

More mystical creatures.

Guess what ?

I went to that shop I bought the-- The... umm... Lion-dogs from ! Yeah , Jena and Lucifer.. They're doing just fine on top of that table. But , I'll tell you that this time I bought some pretty bizarre looking things.

Damn , you people should see them. And well , if you're really nice and supportive then I'll show them to you too. But , to the main question; what did I buy ?

I bought a large frog in the same paint-scheme that the.. umm..umm.. lion-dog statues were made out of. And it's got these red shiny eyes along with it. It's standing on top of a large amount of coins and it's mouth is open. Then like , you get a small coin with Chinese letters printed on it to go with it. You're supposed to stick the small coin inside the frog's mouth. It's like , supposed to bring you fortune and all. I've been thinking over some names to the frog , and I haven't thought of anything really concrete. Maybe "George" or "Kaaleppi" might do ?

My second acquisition was a traditional dragon. It's holding a ball in one hand and it's got this really wicked gaze too. It's smaller than the first two , but it's not a bad looking little beast at all. His or her name is still under consideration depending on his/her gender. Plus , the dragon's got the same crimson paint on it too.

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