Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Let the sunshine in

The first time I woke today was around 10.07 AM.

The sky was fucking pitch-black and it was raining down these big ol' drops of rain. It took a few seconds for me to understand that the deep but nevertheless loud sound that hit my ears was actually a thunderstorm that came with the rain.

Well , I wasn't going to give a damn nor was I going suddenly jump out of the comfy warm bed and start pulling the electric-cords out of their sockets from one and all of the electricity-powered appliances in this house. So I just slept some more.

The next time I woke up , must've been a few hours later. I crawled out of the bed and put on a brown T-shirt and one of those shirts that men use when they've got suits on (for the lack of a better term). And it was black shirt too. The next thing was , that I poured a glass of milk to this small bowl and threw in some "mysli" (I'm sorry , couldn't find the umlaut from this keyboard). I chewed it down and then walked around the house a few times.

You know kids , never ever quit shaving because if you do , then you'll surely regret it in the morning.

As was the case this morning too. And if this keeps up , I'll either look like a 52-year-old Bohemian artist that's addicted to red wine and can't pay his child support for his ex-wife , or then I'll start receiving comments about looking alot older than I really am. Both of these options do not exactly make me horny and want for more , no. But , let's go over to some news in my personal life that have , for once , been resolved with the use of (as the title suggests) ordinary reasoning and common logic. Usually we'd just use a sledgehammer for that , hah-haa. Laugh.

But , the first big one that was "cracked" , actually , just this morning revolved around this PC-game called "Vietcong". You see , I bought this collection-pack of the game , called "purple haze". In the pack there was supposed to be the 'official mission pack' included for the game. But , for a straight week long I couldn't find it from either one of the CD's that were included with the game. I was quite convinced that I was too stupid to find it from the CD's or that it was so carefully hidden that a numbskull like me couldn't find it. I even bugged my girlfriend while being emotionally frustrated of the game to find a way to seek this mission pack from the CD's.

No-one could help me so I was just about ready to run to the mountain , shave my head and call myself Edna. But , then , I got some stamina from this frustration afterall , and decided to find out how many CD's were there supposed to be included in this pack that I bought. I quickly found out that there were supposed to be three little disks with the package whereas I had only recieved two ! God almighty ! Heureka , motherfunkers !!

After a few questions here and there concerning the acquiring-process of the game from the person I had sent to acquire it a few months back , we got some even more disturbing information. Apparently all of the packages in the gaming store were empty and the clerk had to put the contents inside it each and everytime. It was now quite apparent , that the very helpful clerk had actually forgotten to put the actual third CD with the case ! Oh , humanity and the proverbial suffering in the claws of satan in hell !!!

Luckily , however , we've still got the receit for the game. Now , we can probably go and exchange it back for the same amount of money that we bought it , or then they'll give us the third CD and finally they can - as a third optional choice - give us a new copy of the game with all of the CD's included.

We're going to go to that shop again very soon. However , we'll have to see if the return-policy of the game still applies at all. Now , if it doesn't , then we've just promised to get real angry and shout at the clerks for the utter incompetence in their job. And trust me , it's their fault , not ours. But , we'll have to see , of course.

Oh , and guess what , it's my girlfriend's "name day" today , apparently. What ? Like , you've never heard of "name day" ? Well , I'll tell you about it then. Firstly , I don't know if it's celebrated in any anglo-American countries , but at least around here every Finnish name has a day designated for it. It's like a small-scale birthday. So , you're supposed to celebrate it in a quiet and demeanoring way. Or then not.

But anyway , it's my princesses' name-day today. You know , I'm a pretty lousy boyfriend since the only thing I can remember concerning her name day is that it "happens around summer and that's when we started our thing too sometime ago". Well , more importantly , she's a very patient woman. So , I'm hoping she won't get mad since I'll try to fix this thing up too somehow in the not-too-distant future.

Well , that concludes our news-bulletin.

So , let's see what's next...

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