Saturday, July 30, 2005

The emotional space-race.

You know , today we've officially been together for one year with my girl. So it's a very special day.

She's absolutely amazing , you know. And to tell you the truth , I really couldn't be happier. This day changed my life last year. And it changed it forever. It gave me a purpose.

I've got to admit , though , that maybe I've been a bit too hasty on alot of things in our relationship from the start. It's been like an emotional space-race in which - according to my logic - the one who invents new ideas the fastest and actually executes them , shall win the day. So , one could say that alot has happened to us in just 365 days. Other couples could've just started learn stuff about each other in a year. But when it comes to us , things are a bit different.

Maybe this approach hasn't been the best. But , in this relationship with this specific girl , I've always wanted to be the first to do certain things. Thus I've been so quick in every manoeuvre or action that I've taken. Everything we've done has had to happen fast to that girl and it has had to happen with me , according to my logic. At some points , I've felt like the conqueror of an untouched land with the intent of grabbing as much of it to myself just so I can be the first one to wave the red flag and say , "I was the first one ! I did it !"

Why have I not chosen the "slower approach" , you ask ? Well , all I can tell you is that I've wanted to act quickly in this specific way of approach. Mainly because the girl is the single most important thing to me in this world and therefore everything has had to happen fast.

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