Monday, July 25, 2005

Day zero.

Let's talk something sensible this time , alright ?

A few days ago I saw this remake of the original "Texas chainsaw massacre". The remake was from the year 2003 and had a bunch of young actors in it getting killed by the chainsaw - wielding maniac , leatherface.

I was actually pretty surprised how good of a movie it was at first viewing. It wasn't a completely unrealistic teen-blood-gore-fest , but instead had a pretty intense atmosphere in it during the whole movie. The choice of actors for the youngsters' roles weren' t bad either , although it didn't matter much since 90 % of them got killed brutally anyway. But I liked the way they were portrayed as far as possible before they got chainsawed.

There's a bunch of other cool actors in the movie too. You remember Gunnery sergeant Hartman from Full metal jacket ? Well , R. Lee Ermey is in this movie too. He certainly does one disturbing role in it as a slightly ticked-off local law enforcement officer. I highly recommend this one. And , this one is a pretty gory flick too. Almost from the start you see everything the way it would happen in real life from gunshots through the head to getting your leg chopped off with a chainsaw. So lots of blood... And some more blood is to be expected.

It's a twisted movie from the start. All of the characters that the small group of youngsters seem to run into have something to hide in the small rural oasis that they have come across. All of the people seem to have a weird priority on making the youngsters leave as fast as they can. Although , as the lead-characters boyfriend suddenly "disappears" inside a ransacked old house , the show really starts getting on.

I highly recommend it. The original version certainly will always be the "original version" , but the remake doesn't fall too far from the original's path. Thank god some people have actually managed to make some good horror movies now. Since , they're not too many in numbers these days. So , on a scale of one to five starts I'll give it four and on a scale of 4 - 10 I'll give it an eight.

**** (four stars)

8/10 (eight points out of a maximum of 10)

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