Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Watching movies

Yesterday we went downtown for some shopping again. This time, I bought a wireless keyboard and a mouse of the less than dubious Microsoft-brand. The reason why I bought them was, that at home I'm having some real trouble with all of the dozens of cords and wires hanging out of the computer and slithering along the floor like serpents.. Luckily, I can also throw away the cheap Compaq mouse & keyboard, that I've had since I got that 500 MHz computer many years ago. Needless to say, I don't have it anymore, but the keyboard along with the mouse still remain in service with my new computer.

Anyway, I bought some movies too: Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2 were being sold at the same store I bought all the wireless gimmicks from. I watched both of the movies last night, and have to conclude, that the second part started to suck at the very end, when Uma Thurman finally met Bill at his Mexican Hacienda. The whole "Superman is actually Clark Kent, and so are you" - metaphors sucked real badly, and I didn't really see the movie turning into a slow drawl at the very end. Both of the movies rolled along real smoothly, but the end of part two, as I stated, somehow slowed down and became way too surreal for me to understand. Thus, I started to wonder if the people giving this movie four stars out of five on the reviews had even seen part two completely. Also, the "five point heart exploding technique" was a bit lame of an attempt to quickly finish the movie and let everybody go home. I was expecting a cool sword fight, but it turned out to be an extremely slow and dragging dialogue with a very low-key ending too.

The first part was great, though. The action was great and definately the over-the-top spilling of blood created the ideal atmosphere for my liking. The second part seemed a bit overrated however, especially taking the somewhat vague ending into consideration.

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