Thursday, July 06, 2006

Plans of future actions

So, Blogger decided to crash again. For no apparent reason, I had trouble for something like 45 minutes on trying to publish my latest entry. At first it just gave a bunch of messages describing various errors, but nevertheless decided to publish the post (??!!). Now everything seems to be running adequately enough , though.

So, I thought that this post might serve as a little reminder of the things to come on my latest entries. First of all, there's going to be a food article: however, knowing me, it won't be a traditional "how to prepare the best Lasagne and mom's apple pie" - story. Instead, we're going to do "something completely different". And, to top things off, there's definately going to be pictures of the things that I mean.

I'm going to write another entry soon enough, since right now I'm too hyped up on night air and cheap soft drinks to be able to concentrate too much. I shall, however, tell you that I'm as homesick and bored as ever. So, until the next post..

"You all have a good one"..

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