Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Marching orders

I watched the last remaining episodes of Lost, and have to say that I'm definately hooked on it. Hopefully the 2nd season DVD-box set will be available soon enough, since I'll be buying it faster than you can say "shipwrecked". I haven't been hooked on a series as much as I was since.. Since.. Sob.. The end of Babylon 5 several years ago !

Anyway, to tell you the truth, I think that Lost as a series, is one of the only seriously written and genuinely interesting programs at the moment. The whole plot is so freakin' twisted, that you could indeed be expecting anything. Right now though, I'm betting that it's something of a cross breed between Jurassic Park and Resident Evil.

On other news, I'll be leaving Sweden on the 29th. This time, we'll have to hop on a bus and ride it all the way to Stockholm. The reason for this is, that we can't go into a plane since I'll have to get my sleeping bag and tent out of here. If we were to go into a plane, we'd probably have to pay extra for those items. So, we picked the bus-alternative, and thus we'll be spending six hours in a notoriously hot bus full of little Swedish kiddies running around. All in all, this isn't what I wanted, but it just has to be done for the greater good - and my stuff.

We did the same thing last year too: unfortunate for me, the trip can best be described as a "hellish" ride through Southern Sweden in a boiling hot bus full of little yelling kiddies and drunken idiots. During that trip, I also remember reading Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men", and talking to this half Finnish git, who somehow assumed that I liked Turbonegro. The same guy also followed me around on the boat from Stockholm to Helsinki, and started singing some idiotic song to me. Luckily though, I didn't understand a word he said.

Last year, when we did the trip, it was also alot worse, since we had to return back to Gothenburg. We were just there to deliver the stuff, and then get back here in order to continue the vacation for a while longer. Anyway, as we came back to Stockholm from Helsinki, it was raining very hard, and we were all stuffed into this incredibly old bus with shitty seats and a dozen of screaming little kiddies. I remember having a terrible need to "go", but for some reason couldn't bring myself to stand up and release myself inside the tiny bathroom of the bus.

Anyway, I started reading Jarhead. I'm pretty disappointed so far, since if the book's message to the reader is to relay Anthony Swofford's severe frustration and the fact, that he joining the USMC was wrong - it's doing a hell of a job. If it's supposed to tell us how the Marines are hardcore motherfuckers spreading American sunshine around the world with their M16's, then it certainly fails. So far, I've had tremendous trouble on trying to understand Swofford's deeper message: it just seems like the only things he has to do is to bitch and moan about everything. However, I'll be laying down my final opinion on this title at a later date.

On a related note, I'm considering on getting Colby Buzzell's "My War - Killing Time in Iraq". It'll be interesting to read them both, and then compare their overall message and ideas.

Now though, I'll be going to bed for some quality sleep. I can finally rest easy after getting confirmation on a certain very important thing, that has been bothering me for weeks.

Good night.

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