Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Some more stuff to bitch about , actually.

There's lots of stuff I could actually bitch about when it comes to this particular country.

I'll even admit that living here has some good sides to it , but mostly just bad ones. One on top of the ever growing list of negative sides is related to working. Since here in Finland no matter how much work you might do , you can never actually "get rich" doing it. It's an endless cycle and there's a billion laws that prohibit you from doing as much work as you could possibly want to do.

So like , doing overtime by means of getting rich isn't the answer here , since you can't do it. The law prohibits you from working overhours too much. And in some cases it actually pays more to become unemployed than to get a job or continue working. Yeah , you heard it right. You actually get more money by just sitting at home while sipping a few beers and watching reruns of freakin' Matlock. Oh yeah , and sometimes report to the unemployment office.

So believe me , this place is far from being a paradise.

And another thing; what's the thing that people always say is really terrible in the US ? The crime rate.

Well , out there if some burglar lands into your home and starts wrecking the place and you decide to reciprocate him with a 9mm bullet to the leg that is considered fair. Out here , if you take a swing at the burglar with your baseball-bat the bastard will probably end up suing you. And trust me , he probably win the case too with the laws this country has.

In this country the ordinary - much less the unordinary - citizen can't even defend himself or his property and loved ones from harm. Raising a fist to counter the blow is considered wrong in our laws. Hell , the police are allowed to carry guns. The army is allowed to carry guns but when it comes to an inidividual citizen he can't defend his loved from harm or he himself goes to jail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Koska arvon Tälleer "bitchaa" Suomea noinkin rankasti (kaikki mitä hän kirjoittaa, on kyllä mielestäni totta), niin rohkenen väittää, ettei hän ole ikinä kuullut puhuttavan Svearikesta?

Siinä on nimittäin yksi maa, joka menee Suomenkin ylitse kaikissa noissa mainitsemissasi asioissa.

Sidewinder kävi hiippailemassa paikallisessa valokuvausliikkeessä ja sai tietää, että Ruotsin poliisi aikoo ryhtyä ottamaan passikuvia. Ennen tämä kuului valokuvaajien työhön, mutta nyt laiskat poliisit -joita on muuten liian vähän- ovat päättäneet, että passikuvien otto on hauskempaa kuin rikollisten kiinniottaminen. Noh, saanpahan ainakin rauhassa heilutella katanaa kadulla.

Aion muuten kirjoittaa tänne Dalleerin blogiin pienen novellin herran itsensä innoittamana. Siitä tulee tosi hieno ja silleen. Heippa.