Saturday, January 17, 2009

Blast from the past?

Today wasn't exactly the best of days. I went down to Vaasa to start a language course at the university. I've decided to handle it because that way I'll have a paper saying I'm somewhat fluent in Swedish - which in turn might land me a job somewhere. Maybe.

Vaasa was cold again. Going to a lecture wasn't like the best of ideas, but it only lasted for two hours and I kept my mouth shut for the whole time. It sure felt weird to be out there again with the people inside that room. I had that "What The Fuck am I doing Here?"-feeling again. I remember having it a year ago - like when this stuck-up of a teacher started tormenting me about this certain matter I discussed in this blog at that moment. You know, come to think of it, I should've just probably told him to go fuck himself that time, since the university isn't like High-School - You can say pretty darn impolite things there to the teachers if need be. I should've exercised that right that time. Too bad I didn't.

I was beat when I got back from school. I lifted weights for 45 minutes despite my tiredness, though. After that I ate some tasty chicken and Wok-vegetables and finally managed to watch the remaining 10 episodes of Lost's third season on DVD. I'd really like to get back to the series again, although I've heard that they've showed the fourth season here in Finland while I've been at the army. I remember when I bought the 3rd season last october (or something), the same store was already selling the 4th season box there. I didn't buy it, though - I should've since I've just got a terrible addiction to that particular series.

Oh yeah, and then also something else happened.. Which I'm kinda not supposed to mention. The bottom line is, though, that I've already got a new pair of gloves, thank you very much!

Today's song: Tehosekoitin - Pillitä Elli Pillitä

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