Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Successes in the gastronomic field of operations.

Looks like the time for miracles is not over yet. I recieved eight comments for my last blog ! Can you believe it ? Well , that's what happened and I'm quite content. This is the first time it actually happened and even though they are just mostly spam consisting of various commercial annoucements and "please visit my blog" - messages.

I can't promise I'll visit all of your sites soon since I'm a very busy man. Or at least that's what I'd like to you to believe. But thank you for having the time to bother me as much as you could. Comments - even if they're 100 % spam - are always so very welcome. I don't want to feel lonely and unappreciated , you know.

Anyway, the day was pretty normal. And I'll tell you that one of those army-issue "Jaeger-kitchens" I talked about yesterday and prepared food with are excellent. It takes a small space , uses cheap flammable liquids as fuel and you are able to make all sorts of foods with it. It's perfect for someone like me. Who needs an electric stove when you can have all of that with the price of just around 10 - 20 Euros ? Buy one for yourself , now ! Now now now !

That thing is definitely going to come with me once I move out of this place. It's just so suitable for a future (I hope) university student such as myself who'll have a small apartment the size of a rabbit cage. And even if I couldn't get to the university at the first try I'll still need to eat ! And that Jaeger-kitchen will be just what I need. Unless my girlfriend will buy me a stove and produce food for me on it (or then I will buy one under pressure) . I'm pretty sure that's what she's going to do too since she won't - most likely - not agree on living with me and an army-issue Jaeger-kitchen. I think I'm going to have to get a micro-wave too then.

We have four of these huge apple-trees in our yard here. Under one of the trees there's a grave for a cat that met it's untimely death right in front of me , unfortunately. During the late summer months and early autumn apples start to appear on the trees. The best ones in my opinion are green. The greener the apple the better. Thus you can guess what my taste in apples "looks like".

We rarely bother picking the apples from the trees. I would assume that now or quite soon anyway would be the time to pick them up since many of the farmers close to us have started their annual harvesting season in the fields. I saw them working in the fields today from the window of the bus I travelled home in. Sometimes when I walk in the yard I pick up the greenest apple I can find from the yard and munch at it while walking around. Our apples are alot more sweet than the one you can find from the grocery stores. I can't say that they taste better but all in all they are not full blown failures either. And to tell you the truth all of the houses close to us have apple-trees in their yards. It's actually funny that way. Our neighbors in the south have a couple of apple-trees whereas the ones in the north have just one little tree that has undoubtebly been a part of the apple trees from our yard once. I believe that we have the largest amount of them. But we always let them grow wild. No-one bothers to harvest the apples anymore. They just sit there in those trees with that delicious green color on them and then fall to the ground during autumn. It's quite sad since we could probably pick them up and then make apple-juice out of them at a nearby grocery store. But my folks don't bother. And neither do I , it seems.

1 comment:

Captain Wesker said...

Dalleer, tee yksi postaus suomeksi, jooko?