Monday, October 03, 2005

Hesitation kills all the good plans

I can't remember the exact time when I read a specific article about hesitation from a certain Finnish yellow press newspaper , but the article in it certainly illustrated perfectly why hesitation is the mother of all fuck up's.

The article was about a middle-aged man who had , through one way or the other , deemed it necessary to kill the CO of the Nokia company , Mr. Jorma Ollilla. Apparently , the man had concluded that Ollilla was somehow to blaim for all of his problems in life and needed to be eliminated. I can't remember if the man was somehow mentally ill or was he just desperately looking for someone or something to blame for his own shortcoming's in life. In any case his hate towards Jorma Ollila lacked purpose and proper planning. He had sent Mr. Ollila a letter , in which he proclaimed that it would take "just one bullet to take a man down". And all of you , my dear readers can certainly add two and two together thus understanding that it was clear and present death-threat.

Death threats are almost always a bad idea. They reveal to the target you want to kill that there is certainly someone out there who is now out to get you. Such negligence would be very fatal if I were to kill a man. So I would never resort to death-threats.

Mr. Ollilla , afterall the CO of one of the biggest companies in Finland , wasn't slow in his deductive skills either. So he naturally called the police and the police busted the man who had sent him the letters. The man who had planned to kill Mr. Ollila had a scoped hunting rifle registered under his name in the police authorities' records , so I would assume that this fact sped up the arresting process. He certainly made big mistakes in resorting to threats in the first place since it would have been only logical to assume that Ollilla would've phoned the police the minute a letter written in an aggressive manner hit his mail-box. And that's what he did too.

It certainly makes me wonder if this guy had plans to kill Ollilla in the first place. Since , it would be pretty dumb , first and foremost , to write a letter to the person who you're planning to kill. That way he or she will be prepared since in this sort of business that I am talking about here , I would assume that the element of surprise is certainly the key to success. Lee Harvey Oswald didn't write such letters to Kennedy before he made his move in Dallas , now did he ? Neither did the guy who tried to shoot Pope John Paul II back in the 70's. In both of these cases the assassins had a plan and they executed it in the right time. Like clockwork.

Of course we can't rank this poor Finn in the same category as L.H. Oswald. The Finn had poor planning , empty threats and most likely a few too many beers behind him when he thought it up. Now mind you , I'm not saying that Lee Harvey Oswald would be a hero for doing what he did , but if he truly is the one who did all that by himself then he certainly was a professional at some level. And as it usually is with everything , it is truly the professionals who always keep silent until the moment they strike.

Anyway, I'm going to grab a shower and hit the sack. Tomorrow's a school-day again..

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