Thursday, May 17, 2007

One more for the road

I slept until 10 am today, and it still feels like I'd need more. For the time being, though, I don't feel like sleeping. Maybe later.

Anyway, this post is supposed to be about my experiences at work. Now, first of all, let me state the obvious: the pay sucks. We're ordered to do things there that would normally be tasks designed for machines. We're also ordered to do things which won't even normally be done by the normal municipal workers. We're the expendable crop - and that old geezer of a boss can order us to do the most vicious things for us to do.

Now, the pay sucks, and your work experiences greatly differ if you've got a different boss. So far, the old guy we've had has had fun on ordering us to do all sorts of shit on all sorts of weather. He won't come and checkp up on us, though. Instead he just drives around his pick-up and drinks alot of coffee in the fancy little restaurants we have here. This guy is not the worst of the worst, as you can probably imagine - since he is not one of the Nazi-kind. There's this female supervisor there who is much worse and strict. She's a real pain in the butt. And I saw her near the office the other day - and she verbally jumped on me and my buddy. The first thing out of her mouth was: "Why the hell are you just sitting there ? This will be deducted from your pay !" she said. Luckily the janitor of the place, a real cool guy, saved our butts by telling her that we had just been sitting there for a few minutes. What a crappy job. Hopefully I won't have to work under her this summer.

But, to get to the good and bad sides of the job, here's a few:

The Good

  • The job can be a real pleasure if you're given the right supervisor (bossman/woman)
  • Coffee tastes the best after a hard a physical day of work
  • If you've got the right supervisor, you might have more breaks than real jobs - thus leaving more time to do almost anything.
The Bad

  • If you're given the wrong supervisor, your work experience can change into a very shitty survival game resembling life in Nazi Germany
  • Sometimes you can be given really shitty jobs i.e. planting grass seeds in the middle of a huge storm
  • Meaningless jobs are quite common in this temporary profession. Get used to it and try to orientate yourself according to the shittyness of the job. Sometimes it's just best throw your hands in the air and unofficially the take rest of the day off.

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