Friday, January 23, 2009

Not tonite-

Sweat pours down my face. The snowfall gets thicker and thicker. I can feel my clothes sticking on my sweaty body as I run through the sideroads. The music coming out the earphones of my little MP3-player drums out the huffing and puffing coming out of my mouth. The cold air feels brisky on my face. I look down on the road and run faster. Got to be faster.

I don't really know why I'm running anymore. I guess it's to pass time. However I'm a competetitive person sometimes, and by that I mean that I'm mostly compating against myself. I've always got to run a bit faster - no matter the exhaustion it might create. I think I've lost something like 5kg's by now, but it's hard to tell how much exactly since I don't have one of those scales at home. It's kind of a good thing, because if I'd have a scale then I'd be spent every day looking at it and scaling myself. When a pair of old BDU trousers fit me again, I'm skinny enough again. That's my way of measuring weight-loss, and that's all I've got to say about that.

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