So there I was again, sitting in the yard after another meaningless hot day in this land of confusion. The nightly breeze was surprisingly cold, and I was beginning to feel a bit sleepy too.
I walked out of the yard, and went to the small field situated near the yard, when I saw something peculiar: a little dark figure was creeping along the ground. It didn't take me very long to understand, that the figure we were dealing with was a little hedgehog. Unfortunately, it was way too scared of a big bad human to come closer - thus it fled in panic while I went inside to grab the camera. When I returned, however, the little fellow had already ran away.
A bit disappointed due to my slowness, I returned back to the yard. I just stood there in the darkness with my camera on my other hand. All of a sudden, I heard a faint rattling sounds coming from something real close. The hedgehog had creeped in our yard ! I jumped up, and like a good Japanese tourist, I proceeded to snap great shots of the little fellow as it ran around the yard with me in hot pursuit:

The little hedgehog, whom I named Ziggy, sure knew how to run around the yard and evade my terrific shots!

As I ran behind it, Ziggy systematically started to retreat towards the fence on the back. The poor thing sure was scared. Hope you can find it (Ziggy, the hedgehog) from the picture, still.

Finally, Ziggy was cornered ! Oh, how will our fearless hedgehog escape ?!? By..

Digging through the fence, of course ! Ziggy just managed to pull itself through the small openings on the fence, while I hysterically tried to "snap a few good ones" of it. Unfortunate for me, Ziggy escaped and my shots weren't all that commendable. After getting through the fence, Ziggy returned to the same little field in front of the yard.

I followed Ziggy around, and thus managed to get the best picture of it from the whole collection. This one's a pretty nice shot, even if I do say so myself, since it illustrates that Ziggy is infact a fully grown, adult hedgehog.

There goes Ziggy again.. It pretty much made these funny Zig-Zag patterns while trying to evade me and my ever-present camera flash. This picture along with the one I posted here earlier, shows that Ziggy's a pretty health and big Hedgehoggie.

Ziggy's backside fully illustrated, even if a bit non-illuminated.

This badly illuminated shot can reveal Ziggy to us in only one way: one of Ziggy's eyes is glowing brightly in the darkness on this one. This is also the last shot worth showing to the general public, since most of the other pictures did not succeed that well at all. All in all, we can conclude, that Ziggy disappeared into the darkness after this. Hope he comes back some night, though.
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