Friday, July 21, 2006

Another day

I've got a week left in this country, and after that I'll go home.

My girlfriend bought a new couch for her apartment in Kauhava, which happens to be the first piece of western "sitting furniture" for her place, since the apartment has been decorated on in an Oriental way (Japanese, to be specific) . I can't see that couch until next week's sunday, but knowing her good taste in general, I'm sure the couch will be fine. I downloaded a Super Nintendo emulator and Super Mario All Stars for it, in order to pass the time, too.

Also, I picked up a couple of books yesterday; Plato's Republic and The Illustrated Directory of The United States Marine Corps by Chester G. Hearn. They weren't that expensive at all: you can't expect to get these sorts of books that cheap from Finland anyway.

Next monday, while I'm still "in country", I'll continue my internet auctioning after a two month pause: this time though, all the money I get out of will be saved to the last dime for up-coming expenses, and not squandered away at leisure like the last time. I've also been considering on selling my old Sega 16-bit Megadrive in the auctions, since I've seen some fine money made out of old consoles. The only problem with the old Sega console is, that I'm a bit unsure of its' condition. Now, it might still work, or it might not. Have to test it, I guess.

Last Wednesday was pretty shitty too, in terms of my physical condition: I threw up during the early morning hours, possibly due to a stress reaction of some sort, and afterwards collapsed to the bathroom floor. I remember sending some SMS's to my girlfriend, and then after a few moments I started feeling a bit dizzy and finally puked twice. Afterwards, I collapsed to the floor for a few moments while having a fashionable cold sweat and a terrible feel of disorientation. I'm pretty sure, that the reason for this little incident were my deeply irregular sleeping hours for the past month, and the somewhat long nights I've been spending for the last months. Either way, I've been sleeping regular hours now, and temporarily quit burning the midnight oil.

Right now, though, I have some things to do back here, so I'll just bid you a good day.

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