You know , there isn't too many forms of art that I can honestly admit on liking.
There's just a few pieces of art from a few odd artists that I like. Although , from all the mainstream stuff that I've seen cubism is pretty much the only thing I can accept too. Picasso made some very fine works in his time and "Guernica" is certainly my favorite from all of them.
Anyway , I picked up these cute little thingies a few days ago from a little shop in this city that was selling all sorts of spiritual stuff. These things were closed inside a small cupboard. They had all sorts of weird dragon-statues and fairies for sale in that shop too. The music in there was relaxing and constant. It almost felt , smelled and tasted like a goddamn hippie den.
These puppies catched my attention the moment I walked inside the shop and found the corner. They grinned like a pair of creatures straight from hell and were blood red in color. Yeah , almost like these small crimsom guardians that were ready to bite the heads of your enemies right off. So , I had to have them , and luckily the price for them wasn't too bad , although I ended up paying for both of them. Since , they were like a set , or something.
The salesperson , who was a pretty short young lady didn't give me too much background info on them , and to tell you the truth , I wouldn't have cared for it either. I was interested in them only due to their looks. The whole posture that those two blood-red creatured had was already of a incentive for me to acquire them. I could actually picture them lurking in the shadows with those huge fucking jaws open and fangs ready to strike... Strike at my enemies of course !
Plus , their eyes were glowing like crazy. I like red glowing eyes.
So , I bought em' and brought them back here. Now all I've got to worry about will be on how to transport them back home safely. I just hope that they will withstand the journey back home in an airplane. I've heard all sorts of shitty history about those baggage-personnel working in the airports , man.. A lot of people have lost alot of expensive stuff due to their carelessness and general disregard on the correct handling of the passenger's luggage.
But , meanwhile , I've had another task ahead of me with these cuties - making up names for them !
When I started the process of coming up with names for them I had several factors to take into account. First of all , were these things both boys ? Or were they girls ? They had four legs so were they lions , tigers or dogs ?
I had alot of questions to answer - but very little means on finding the answers. So , I figured that the best way was to play it by ear.
Now , granted , I did call them the 'red tiger brothers from hell' first. But then , my girlfriend kinda turned things upside down and started referring to them as dogs. Well , it wasn't a bad turn of events , so now they're called the 'red devil-dog brothers from hell' ! Since , we don't know about their true species !
In the event that one or both of them are girl-doggies , I've also taken the appropriate measures. The other one will be called Jena and the other one will be Mira. That way they will most likely sound like sisters. And I like that , too. But , if they're both boys , then the other one will be Lucifer and the other one Kane. And if they are a mixed couple , then we'll just do a lottery between Jena/Lucifer and Jena/Kane. Pretty simple , huh ?
You know , the actual reason why I've been making such plans for different names for them is that they do look the same but actually they're not. The other one , who I'll call Kane for now , has a crystal ball (or a similar circular object) under his paw. And in turn , my cutie-woozie Lucifer has a small red devil-dog under his paw ! That thing is grinning that megalomanic and mysterious smile too ! Pretty freakin' cool , eh !?
I wonder what are these devil-dogs meant for , actually. They're certainly oriental in origin and since I picked them up from a shop that sold all sorts of spiritual stuff they must be used in these sorts of operations. I'd speculate that they'd be meant as guardians of some sort. And , that's the role I've been thinking on utilizing them for , anyway.
You people should see how the shadows play on these statues during the night. They're blood-red , more like crimson in color as you can see. What a great thing that someone decided on painting them that way. It truly does them credit.
1 comment:
Lion is a special animal to Chinese people. A pair of stone lions, a male and a female, can often be seen in front of the gates of traditional buildings. The male lion is on the left with his right paw resting on a ball, and the female on the right with her left paw fondling a cub.
The lion was regarded as the king in the animal world so its imagines represented power and prestige. The ball played by the male lion symbolized the unity of the empire, and the cub with the female thriving offspring.
The earliest stone lions were sculpted at the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 - 220 AD) with the introduction of Buddhism into ancient China. It is said, Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, was seen after birth "to point to Heaven with one hand and to Earth with another, roaring like an lion." In the Buddhist faith, the lion is considered a divine animal of nobleness and dignity, which can protect the Truth and keep off evils.
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