Everytime I look out of the window the gray sky is staring back at me. Makes me bored. I was down in the forest yesterday "squeezing off some rounds" with my pistol (don't worry , it doesn't shoot real ammunition , only 6mm BB's) . It was considerable fun and I even used these 6mm paintball-BB's for this special occasion. Can't say that they would've been of a good quality since about 40 % of them did not even crack open when they hit their target. Thus they just dropped to the ground harmlessly. Even the ones that worked just exploded with a little red smear on the target.
They weren't too expensive and I'll still need some time to test them on combat fatigues , BDU's etc. combat clothing in order to determine their exact value. You know , if they'll leave unwashable spots on your shirts , trousers , jackets etc. I have a extra green/olive fatigue set lying around back home that will surely suit this occasion and the forthcoming tests just well. Afterwards , I'll probably just throw it to the trashcan.
Anyway , the picture over there is the culmination of my free-time activities. Just sitting at home and drinking Coke. I've been building this tower out of the empty Coke cans , as you can see. I've even decided to call it the "Coke tower" , respectively. And I've still got a few cans left , so let's see how far it'll reach in a few days , alright ?
I also found this dude's server adress. It contained a few albums from the Finnish "love metal" band called HIM. You must've heard of them , right ? Since , you know , they're so famous and big these days. I downloaded the albums and I've spent most of my early morning hours listening to their stuff. Now , personally , I feel kinda shitty about this. I don't listen to "Him" since if doesn't play hard enough and the lyrics are all about killing yourself for love and how happiness is killing you (full of teenage angst , blah). I would have never imagined to be sitting here and listening to their material.
But , I've got to admit it. I'd rather listen to this than "Bripney Biers". She just sucks big time. And I'm generally pretty positive towards anything that has the name "metal" tagged on it. So , it can't be all bad , although it's pretty bad. Now I'll never listen to this stuff again and will make an effort on burying it to my backyard.
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