Monday, February 07, 2005


I'm watching Superbowl from channel three.

Is the particular sport they play in this big show really called "American football" out there in the US as well ?

I guess it is.

Well , what's to say about it.. I can only remember reading about Janet Jackson's big stunt last superbowl in which she "revealed" one of her boobs on live national TV. Yeah , it was a pretty big thing about a year ago , I can recollect (Hey , I'm sorry , but I hadn't met my girlfriend just yet , or we weren't that intimate those days ! All I did was to take a quick peek ? ) . However , that's about the only thing I can remember about that particular superbowl.

Oh yeah , and Janet Jackson was over there along with some younger male popstar. Can't remember his name , but he was also a big thing back in those days. But okey , Let's just stop talking about the superbowl now and let them do their thing over there.. We can all read about their exploits from the morning paper anyways.

Anyway , had a "minor" fight with my girlfriend. Luckily , we're always able to kiss and make up afterwards (although it's me messing around most of the time , I admit) no matter what. I'd like to call her the most sensible , and intelligent person I know , and not just because I'm being nice , but because it's the truth. Let me tell you people , there's nothing like the feeling of making up after a fight.

And now , have a good night.

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