Black is indeed beautiful. And come to think of it , I should've actually been born black according to this image. Although , there's something wrong with my left ear.. Oh well , I guess something would have to be imperfect with a face like that.. Duh.
Here's my toothbrush. What it has to do with this , I don't know..
This is what I'd look like if they'd make a Manga out of my life. Now , it would naturally involve huge explosions , futuristic guns , lots of blood and violence along with a beautiful and mysterious leather-clad ninja girl going by the name of "Night-fox".. There's just this one big problem. and it's that as a Manga-character , I look like the gimp sodomized nightly by a horny ogre or something.. Better to stay black , I guess.
This is me seen through El Greco's caleidoscope. Pretty cool , huh ? I happen to like this one too , since it somehow makes me look like a prisoner , drug-addict , or generally just freakin' insane. Been thinking about making this the pic in that "my picture" - section of this blog.. We'll see..
This is me from Botticelli's viewpoint. I don't really recognise myself anymore , but that's more than good for me too. Kinda reminds me of "Data" from the Star trek: next generation..
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