Saturday, November 13, 2004

Moral and ethical questions.

Before I tell you a little story , let me tell you a little bit about my background.

I've studied philosophy as a subject since my first year in high school (upper-secondary school , too , if you may). I've done the only mandatory course (last year) , and I just finished the optional , second course about five days ago. Now , I have started on the third (optional) course that has the labeling of "moral philosophy" as it's subject and this post shall be about it.

Now let me remind you , that I am also studying psychology as a mandatory subject. I will have my next course of psychology in the next "period" that starts in about a month. Now what's interesting to note , is that when I started on psychology , it was a completely optional subject. Now , in the new "LOPS" (lukion opetusohjelma , or study plan for high schools) you have to take at least one mandatory course in it !

Hah haa , should I consider myself lucky ?

For once, perhaps I should.

Anyway , I think it's time for us to get started on that subject about the third course.

The course I'm in has about 13 people in it , since seriously no-one is that dumb to ask for seconds if he makes it out of the second course in our school (besides us 13 people sitting over there right fucking now!) . And that's only because of the very annoying bitch of a teacher.

Yes , I acknowledge the problem , she is a real pain-in-the-ass (literally) . Personally , I call her the " vulture with red hair".

However, things have changed a bit now. The third course is run by a male teacher that also happens to be the schools' vice-principle. He is a very pleasant man and seems to really enjoy what he is doing. And that means teaching us about ethics and morality as a philosophical subject.

When the course begun , the man wanted to test us a bit.

He told the people that, "divide yourselves into three groups; The ones that believe that man is completely good should go to the back of the class , the ones believing that man is equally good and bad will stay in the middle part of the class , and the ones that believe he is completely corrupted should stay in front."

Alright , so we did. I went to the middle with the vast majority of the other people. Only a pair of girls went to the back - section , and about three people moved themselves to the front. Everything looked just fine , if not for a small group of three people.

These three "people" had been in everyone of my philosophy courses. They consisted of a young (obviously intellectual looking with glasses and all) girl , long-haired man , and this younger male with short hair and a funny goateé and moustaché combination.

They told the teacher, that "as a group , they were unable to move to any of the other groups since in their way of thinking , there was no good and bad".

How fucking "high-minded" and elitist of them , now wouldn't you say ?

I saw that the girl especially , was enjoying of the situation. The two men just basically stood there with her , nodding agreeingly and smiling like a pair of trained gorillas (I mean the animals, not the freedom - fighters!).

Alright , so the teacher let them "form" a group of their own. I , however wasn't that interested of seeing that happen. Now please note , that she had participated in the previous courses' argumentation - "contests" and won before as well.

I asked the girl , with my low and pleasant voice; "how is it possible that you do not believe in them ?"

She , along with the long-haired man started to blast at me with their highly- advanced rhetoric about how 'good' and 'bad' were old ways of thinking. And that the Christian religion was behind it all , and both of these concepts were bad and were just made up to control public...etc. etc. etc.

These people had a bloodfeud against religion. How quaint , yes ?

Well , it took about ten minutes for me to argue my point to them. I countered them by trying to ask about their misconception , that these terms would've been generated by Christianity alone. And please read it accordingly, CHRISTIANITY ALONE. The "hair-man" repeatedly asked me to name other religious/philosophical sources where the terms of 'good' and 'bad' were mentioned.

I told him about Karma , the koran , Buddhism. They were all religious sources , agreed. So after being there for about twelve minutes , I felt myself being crushed under them. I pondered a different strategy for a second , and moved..

I walked a few paces closer to the woman. I asked her , "***** , do you have a pet ?".

She was a bit distracted about that question. She had that "what has that got to do with it ?" - look on her face. She answered , "yes, I do". I asked her about the specific animal she owned , and it turned out to be a cat (big surprise).

I smiled , and asked her about her feelings if I would all of a sudden kill that cat. Completely suddenly , "out of the blue" I would've just stabbed it with a large knife.

Then I asked her , how would she view me if I killed her mother as well ?

"Why would you kill my mother ?"

"Oh , I don't know , because I feel like it"

"What ?"

"Shall we say that by killing her I get satisfaction of some kind , yes ?"


She asked me the same question over and over. "Why would you kill her , huh ?!"

I told her , that "maybe because it gave me satisfaction or maybe I just felt like it". I also asked her , if she would feel something like that to be evil , or more like , "pure evil". She didn't say a thing , no-one did.

I'm sure alot of the people over there in that course view me very differently from now on.

But that's just the thing , you see. Acts like that get people scared. Stuff they can't explain or things that have no explanation. When you do something completely suddenly , with no reason. When your next move is completely unpredictable and your acts can't be pinpointed before you do them , is the thing that gets them scared.

A mailman comes home one night , has dinner with his family. He has a beautiful young daughter , not to mention the handsome son of his , and that very beautiful wife that cooks the best Macaroni and cheese in the whole damn town.

Suddenly , the man stands up from the table , walks to the living room and fetches his rifle from the cupboard and shoots his wife first. The kids are so paralyzed of the thing that happened , that their loving father just unloaded both barrels into the head of their mother , that they can't move.

-The girl screams-

Another shot..

The son doesn't do a thing , but the man pulls the trigger nevertheless. The body of this young man , named "Cody" , slams into the back wall leaving blood trails onto the wall. However, the man doesn't do himself. Why ? Well , the police arrest his ass after the neighbours hear the shots and place him in a prison.

Why did he do it , why...why...why ?

There was nothing wrong with the relationships inside the family. Even the sex-life was going great between the wife and the mailman. The kids were close to perfect offspring with their A+ grades and boyscout - hobbies.

Yeah , they had no problems.

Anyway , the man is completely sane , as far as being "sane" goes. He told the prison - psychiatrists that he wasn't sure what had happened exactly , "I just felt like it" is all he says.

The man had no previous mental problems either and work was going great too with the new promotion in line for him. But he did. He shot three other people. And what makes it completely sickening , is that he really absolutely had no reason for it. Something just clicked inside his head , and bad things happened.

When you do something like this , and when you don't honestly have any reason for it either , besides the phrase; "I don't know why I did it" , is the time we've all figured it out. No explanations for it... No , none at all...

That , ladies and gentlemen , is evil in it's most purest form.

1 comment:

Captain Wesker said...

Niin... allekirjoittanutkin on aina välillä miettinyt, mitä pahuus oikeastaan on. Uskoisin itsekin, että tuo "posteljooni"-esimerkki voisi olla aika lähellä oikeaa pahuutta. Jossakin nimittäin sanottiin, että ihmiset sekoittavat pahuuden useasti omiin, kieroituneisiin haluihinsa. Oikea pahuus onkin tosi asiassa puhdasta ja viatonta, vähän niin kuin lapsen mieli. Joten jos joku ampuisi perheensä ilman, että se herättäisi hänessä minkäänlaista nautintoa/tunteita, eikä hänellä todettaisi minkäänlaisia mielenterveysongelmiakaan, niin se voisi tosiaan olla melko "eeviliä."